A logo is not just any random icon you use to represent your company. It is a combination of ideas and believes that represents your company’s ideology, belief and vision. More importantly, it is a reflection of how you want your audience to perceive your company as.
A logo is more than just a symbol, it is a combination of great fonts, colours and designs that represents your company’s ideology and character to its customers and audience. It includes a graphic unit of your company’s name along with other necessary information like the tagline, and parent company’s association, etc. that you want your audience to know. “Logos and branding are so important.
In a big part of the world, people cannot read French or English but are great in remembering signs” – Karl Lagerfeld A logo is an identity for your brand, essence of your organization’s culture and differentiator from your competition. It bridges the gap between your company and your loyal customers. It is the essence of everything a company or brand stands for. Therefore it has to be in the synergy of company’s positioning and promise. And positioning is always done keeping its target audience in mind. Same way even the logo has to be developed keeping its consumer or target audience in mind. If the target audience is young it has to be trendy and if the target audience is female it has to be feminine in nature.
A good logo is simple, memorable, can stand the test of time, and is versatile i.e can be easily used anywhere in branding and communication process.